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[2023] Brazilian Accountant in the USA: 7 tips to choose the best one


The decision to choose a Brazilian accountant in the USA can be challenging!

With so many accountants out there, it is difficult to determine which one will be the best for your needs.

The good news is that we have put together a list with 7 tips that will help you find the right accountant for you and your company!

An accountant plays a very important role within a company, so you should think carefully before choosing one.

The more experience, the better for you; by doing his job competently, this professional can save you costs, time, and money.

Below is a list of tips to help you in your choice and evaluation.

1) Rely on a reliable office

Try to find out the references of the office that the accountant works for.

This will tell you a lot about how they treat their clients and how they perform their service.

Remember that the accountant is a very important professional in your business, so it is important to seek references about.

A proper professional should have at least 5 years of experience in making individual tax returns.

Make sure the office has experience in areas that are relevant to you.

A reliable office will have an efficient accounting system to best serve its clients.

2) Search for quality

It is very important to keep in mind, that if you want an accountant who offers you the best service for your finances.

They will probably have the best equipment and good infrastructure to offer you.

Don’t just look for the cheapest, because this can cost you dearly, analyze your choice carefully.

Always valuing the quality that can be added to your business.

Qualification should also be included in this tip, because the more qualified the accountant is, the more security and prevention you will have in your business and in future unforeseen events that may occur.

In the world of finance it takes a lot of analysis.

Look for experience in the area, perhaps an accountant who charges more per hour, is likely to be more experienced and thus perform his service more quickly than a younger professional in the area.

If you are an accountant and want to work in the United States, you need to be aware of the documentation and visas, we can help you with that.

3) Communication and clarification of doubts with the Brazilian accountant in the USA.

This is a very important tip, see how accessible is the Brazilian accountant in the US or his office for contacts with clients.

It is better to call an accountant’s office phone number, rather than calling them directly privately.

This will ensure that the confidentiality of your information will remain intact, under the office’s rules of conduct.

The Brazilian accountant in the US should be able to answer your doubts and questions.

Make sure that his language is accessible, because we know that accounting has many technical terms, and this can make it difficult to understand when it comes time to make a decision.

So all your questions must be answered in an accessible way.

Also make sure that you pass on all the information about your business in a transparent way, so that no unforeseen events occur in the future.

Omitting certain information can have bad consequences for your business.

Organization and transparency on both sides are fundamental in accounting.

So try to clarify all the doubts you have, however small and simple they may seem, especially if they are about American legislation.

This is the way to establish the trust that the entrepreneur must have in the relationship with the accountant, which is a fundamental trait.

In the US there is an institute called the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, with about 418,000 accountants.

You can see the references of this institute and contact them on the official website.

4) Vision & Strategy

A good Brazilian accountant in the USA is not limited to just providing you with data.

He has a quality accounting system, with a strategic vision that will help you better manage your business.

This way you will be advised in the best possible way.

That is why we talked about quality before!

Many entrepreneurs seek an accounting service with the lowest possible price, thinking of saving money and the cost benefit that this can bring.

But sometimes what is cheap can cost you dearly, and the service that the accounting office may be offering you is the basics to apply to your finances.

A good accountant seeks not only to manage his finances in the best way possible, but is focused on helping his clients grow in their respective areas.

A visionary and strategic accountant is very important to your business, especially if you are thinking of starting a company in the USA.

5) Services offered

You as a business owner must know your business well, and we have talked before about checking to see if the office has areas in which you may be interested.

Just as many services have changed with technology, accounting is no different.

Many offices are no longer limited to just tax, accounting, and payroll services.

When looking for a suitable office for your business, you may come across financial management, business management, and business coaching services.

Check if the office has a good niche of up-to-date services, as this means that it is constantly updating and improving its services offered.

6) Security

This is certainly one of the main factors in choosing a Brazilian accountant in the USA.

Observe the personality of the accountant, competence and compatibility are important in your choice.

Usually the contracts have clauses, so that both the entrepreneur and the accounting office are not harmed.

A specialized consulting firm can help you in this search process or indicate the best accounting team for your business.

7) Price of the service

We put this tip last, because after a very careful analysis, you must see if the price offered is worth it for your company.

It is necessary to understand the type of service that your company needs, whether it is financial management, business, among others.

And return on the service that you will hire, all this must be analyzed before a consultancy.

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