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B2B / B2C Sales Teams

B2B or B2C: Who is your customer?

Every company must have defined who its real customer is. For this, we have developed a series of tools to help you understand the different market niches for your products or services in the USA.


Sales are essential for your business to succeed, we accompany you in creating teams for the different sales channels. Whether for companies (B2B) or for the final public (B2C).
What to expect from this service:
Every negotiation is part of the need and planning of the other company. Your potential customer needs to know exactly who they are dealing with.
Because it is a business aimed at the end consumer, it has a more emotional form of communication.
Many companies, which previously dealt only as the final consumer, began to see through e-commerce a way to sell to other companies as well.

Contact us and we will analyze your opportunities in America

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