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Green Card and Visas

What's your next destination?

If you have a dream to work for a while in the USA, or even to settle in the country. We offer the best support in the market for processing visas and even the much dreamed Green Card. Your American dream has never been closer to becoming a reality.


We advise you to make your visa process quick and simple. To make this a reality, we have a highly trained team and we are constantly striving for excellence in the services we provide.
Step by step

Fill in the form for the consultation

To access the form, it is necessary to create a quick registration on the portal


Let's make a diagnosis of your profile

Right after confirmation, you can then make the necessary appointments.


Attend the Lawyer interview

It is important to remain calm, after all, the best service will be performed and the Professional will be willing to help and you on the best path to achieve your goals.

Want to know which visa fits your profile? Fill out below:

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